
Monday, July 16, 2012


Dear SASFAA Friends,

Wanted:  Persons who have the desire and willingness to work hard for no pay while meeting new people and having fun in the process. 

For:  The most rewarding job you’ll ever have! Ok, well maybe that’s not totally true, but did I mention you will have fun, meet new people and it’s rewarding?

It is that time of year again for the Nominations and Elections Committee to solicit nominations for the SASFAA Officer positions that will be open next year.  If you or someone you know fits the bill, then consider running or nominate someone for one the open positions on the Board.

This year we are looking for President-Elect, Treasurer, and Vice President.

If you nominate someone, please be sure to have that person’s permission.  Nominees will need to be prepared to provide a biographical statement to the Nominations and Election Committee.  We will present a slate of candidates to the Board for approval in November. 

Please send your nominations to anyone on the committee.   Committee members are:
Brad Barnett, Chair – barnetbd@jmu.edu
Vickie Adams (Alabama) - vadams@jsu.edu
Allison Beaver (Florida) - abeaver@keiseruniversity.edu
Nancy Ferguson (Georgia) - nferg@uga.edu
Aaron Gabehart (Kentucky) - algabehart@campbellsville.edu
Seph Anderson (Mississippi) - seph@olemiss.edu
Kim Driggers (North Carolina) - driggers@sapc.edu
Allison Sullivan (South Carolina) - asullivan@uscupstate.edu
Lester McKenzie (Tennessee) - Lmckenzie@tntech.edu
Melissa Barnes (Virginia) - mjbarnes@nsu.edu

On behalf of the Nominations and Election Committee, I want to thank you in advance for assisting us in shaping SASFAA’s future!

Brad Barnett
SASFAA Past President

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