
Monday, July 30, 2012

SASFAA President's Update

Submitted by Jeff Dennis, President

SASFAA is off to a great start.  The Executive Board will be meeting August 4th and 5th in Atlanta, Georgia.  As a member of SASFAA you are welcome to attend our meetings.  If you have something you would like for the board to review, please submit it to me by August 2nd.  The Executive Board wants to serve its constituency.  My email is jdennis@swu.edu.

Make plans to attend the annual conference February 10-13, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia to help celebrate SASFAA’s 50th anniversary.  Our theme this year is “Celebrating Yesterday’s Achievements, Shaping Tomorrow’s Aspirations” or CYASTA.

I hope that the year is getting off to a great start in your office as we begin a new academic year.  Don’t let the volume of work that has to be completed in the next few weeks affect how you feel toward your profession.  We have highs and lows but we are helping students accomplish what they could not do without our assistance.

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