
Friday, July 19, 2019

It's July - Let's Get Started!

Greetings from Virginia, SASFAA!

Hello, from the Commonwealth of Virginia!  As VASFAA President, I have the privilege of addressing the SASFAA membership this July.  VASFAA concluded our transition meeting a few weeks ago.  I am humbled by the talented folks we have serving this year.  They are sure to have an impact on the “places” VASFAA goes, which brings me to our theme – “Oh, the places we’ll go!”

I chose this theme to pay homage to Dr. Seuss, who sparked intellectual curiosity in many of us at an early age.  Reading was fun because of him and his wacky characters.  Additionally, the theme speaks to many of our careers.  Did you really ever see yourself as a financial aid administrator?  I sure didn’t.  Cop was my first choice. (Really!)  Believe it or not, the appeal of these two seemingly divergent careers – law enforcement and student financial aid – share a common thread.  For me, the appeal was the desire to help and have a positive impact on our society.  Funny, I find I’m much more successful in doing that in financial aid and through my involvement in our professional organizations.

The topic of involvement brings me to a few questions about our profession that I’ve been pondering for a while.  Why do we get involved?  I do because this is a profession, not an easy job; getting involved has provided the support network I need to re-center and understand the impact we make.  The work is rewarding and we know that college makes a difference but, at this time of year the work can become quite daunting.  During this peak season while our friends are out enjoying the pool, beach, or substitute any summer activity you’d rather be taking part in, we are in the office.  We are worried about students that cannot pay their summer bill and how they will get registered for the fall.  Or, we are trying to figure out exactly how we reach all those students that still have not submitted their verification documents so we can have their aid in place by the first day of school.  Without the trusted colleagues, mentors, and friends I have made as a result of our professional organizations I doubt I would still be working in financial aid.  Being involved in VASFAA and SASFAA is just my small way of saying thanks to those people and trying to pay it forward. 

So, how do we energize those within our profession to get involved?  How do we get them to recognize the difference between a job and a profession, and invest themselves in it?  We need to encourage folks to stay and grow their skillset so they can take leadership roles.    We hear every day about So-and-So’s retirement.  We all have vacancies that we need to fill.  Financial aid needs qualified folks ready to fill the voids.

I haven’t figured out how to tackle this issue – but it’s one I’ll keep mulling.  I’ll be checking back here to see what you suggest.  

That’s the beauty of our work; we have each other.

Brad Scaggs

VASFAA President 2019-20

July 2019 Board Meeting
Membership Update

Dear SASFAA Member,

Your Board met in Norfolk, VA on July 13.  We had a very productive meeting that included the items below:

·         Each Board member assigned a date to write an article for the SASFAA blog.
·         Approved the 2020 location for the New Aid Officers Workshop. 
o   You will receive more information on this in the near future.
·         Approved the fall workshop fee, which remains $300 per person. 
o   The 2019 fall workshop with be a legal issues symposium. 
·         Adopted the 2019-2020 SASFAA budget.
·         Announced that our association credit cards earn points that can be redeemed for cash.
o   Projected revenue is included in the budget.
o   Discussed hotel points and will continue to seek ways for SASFAA to earn points that can be used to offset other cost items.
·         Approved committee members for 2019-2020 with the understanding that we would be adding additional volunteers who are not currently on a committee.
·         Discussed the SASFAA vendor policy as it relates to individuals attending trainings and conferences who work for a vendor, but who are not involved in sales. 
o   While we had hoped to finalize this issue, due to the short time between the transition meeting and the first board meeting, additional time was requested to synthesize information and ensure the right policy is adopted.
·         Toured the Norfolk Hilton, site of our February, 2020 annual conference.
·         Discussed how SASFAA and the nine state associations can work collaboratively on budget challenges impacting both the states and SASFAA.
o   A committee was formed to review this topic and report back to the Board.

SASFAA has a strong Board that seeks to strengthen the foundation laid by those who preceded us.  As a team we will examine opportunities to provide training, advocacy, and collaboration for SASFAA members.  I encourage you to take advantage of the many options that will be forthcoming over the next few weeks and months.  Your participation is vital to the success of SASFAA.

If you haven’t already done so, please renew your membership today.  We need you as we set sail into the new year!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Bill Spiers
SASFAA President 2019-2020

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