
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Conference Registration, Alabama and Electronic Services Updates

Registration is open and information is posted on the SASFAA.org website.

Register Today!

Runan Pendergrast - Conference Committee Chair 2017-18

Alabama Update

Service  Beyond Our Walls

Greetings SASFAA Family

AASFAA has been quite busy the last few months but, we have finally made it over the fall hump.  I am incredibly honored to serve as 2017-2018 AASFAA President during the celebration of our 50th anniversary!  Our theme is “The Golden Age of AASFAA,” celebrating 50 years of serving Alabama’s students. The AASFAA Executive Committee and its various committee chairs are excitedly working to provide a memorable and enjoyable conference for the AASFAA family.

As we prepare for the 50th Anniversary, I am reminded of the service and commitment that our association provides to our students beyond our profession and the importance of servant leadership. We serve our students daily with a dedication to making their lives better through education. Our positions are linked to service for others. I want everyone to reflect on how you serve students and promote excellence in the financial aid office by building a positive culture that encourages professionalism within the office, integrity among all, and diversity of ideas and people. If we stay true to the positive work that we are called to do while promoting an inclusive and respectful environment, we will not lose sight of the invaluable job we are called to do.

 I implore all of you to reflect on how you serve your students, organizations, and communities. While reflecting, think of ways that you can improve your service to our students and our colleagues because we have a great impact on the lives we encounter far beyond our office walls.

Theresa Mays - Alabama State President 2017-18

Electronic Services Update

The Electronic Services Committee has been working hard to keep the website updated.  The committee has also worked with committee chairs to set up a number of web meetings. We look forward to getting information about the conference posted and available to the membership 

Chad Sartini - Electronic Services Committee Chair 2017-18

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