
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Conference Registration, Alabama and Electronic Services Updates

Registration is open and information is posted on the SASFAA.org website.

Register Today!

Runan Pendergrast - Conference Committee Chair 2017-18

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Global Issues and Georgia Update

Joan Bailey - Global Issues Chair 2017-18

Georgia Update

  • ·         Mercer University hosted our 1.5-day Fall Workshop where we trained 160+ members on a variety of topics; NASFAA Core, Technical Track, State Updates, and New Aid Academy.
  • ·         We unveiled a new GASFAA Logo (See Above) to our members.  After 50 Years we decided a new and refreshing look was needed, one of our very own GA Students created the logo for us.
  • ·         We began a giving campaign for our memorial scholarship, we established a $2000 goal, which we are 1/3 of the way to reaching.  

Stephen Andersen - Georgia State President 2017-18

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Benefits of Membership

The Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SASFAA) is an anchor for its membership. Professionals, both new and seasoned, from public and private four-year colleges & universities, community colleges, graduate & professional schools, career schools, student lending organizations, guarantors, consulting groups, government agencies, and financial aid software companies find value in SASFAA membership.

Benefits of SASFAA membership include networking with experienced colleagues, up-to-date information on federal changes and new aid programs, participation in important legislative advocacy efforts, nationally renowned training programs for all levels, an active listserv and Nine News blog that allow constant communication with your peers (including financial aid announcements, relevant articles and job postings), volunteer opportunities and leadership positions, and a 4-day annual conference that invites experts from the U.S. Department of Education and financial aid organizations throughout the country to share knowledge and best practices.

Membership dues are only $35.  If you haven’t already, consider joining SASFAA or renewing your membership today!  We look forward to serving you.

Dr. Sharon Oliver, 2017-2018 SASFAA President

Jenelle Handcox, 2017-2018 SASFAA Membership Chair

Monday, October 9, 2017

A Message from the Legacy-Long Range Planning Committee Chair

Our SASFAA long range plan is set to be reviewed and updated in 2022.   In order to prepare for this review President Oliver has given me the opportunity to chair the Legacy-Long Range Planning Committee.  I am happy to have on the committee; Marian Dill- Lee University, Amy Berrier-UNC Greensboro, and Heather Boutell- Bellarmine.   Our task is to ensure that goals and objectives are being met within the time frame set.

President Oliver also has given me the task of ensuring our Legacy (SASFAA’s) continues to serve the purpose as to which it was created. 

Why was SASFAA created you may ask; because individuals had a vision and desire to provide an avenue for a support and resource network which provides training opportunities that enable and enhance the ethical delivery of educational resources to students, to cultivate personal and professional leadership development among our members, and to advocate for public policies that support financial aid programs.

What does legacy mean to you?  I am sure we all may have a different idea of what legacy means, and I was surprised to find so many different definitions, depending on the context in which used.  I believe that legacy is something that is passed on to us whether by family, culture or organizations.    As a member of SASFAA I am proud of the Legacy of SASFAA!

SASFAA’s Legacy, comes at us from the past, and affects our present and also our future. We must as members of our regional association remember that the life of SASFAA’s Legacy is in our hands and it’s our responsibility to preserve and develop it into something that we are proud to pass on to our future members.  We must continue to provide training opportunities to better serve our students and their families, and to ensure that we cultivate future leaders within our association, in doing this SASFAA’S Legacy will continue.

With this year’s theme:  “Optimizing Student Success through Advocacy Support and Outreach, SASFAA’s Legacy will live on”.

Nathan R. Basford, Jr.

Florida State University.