
Friday, May 12, 2017

SASFAA Volunteers for 2017-18

            Do you wish to be involved with the regional association?  When asked to volunteer, the immediate response of many aid administrators is "I do not have time to serve."  In most roles as a SASFAA volunteer, you will invest less than ten hours of your time as a committee member, moderator, presenter, local arrangements assistant, etc.  Volunteering provides an opportunity to meet and engage with other financial aid professionals to develop lifetime friendships.  Please consider volunteering for SASFAA for 2017-18 to support an association that goes far and beyond to provide guidance for students, parents, administrators, and colleagues.  We would like for volunteers to complete the volunteer form by May 31, 2017.  During SASFAA’s transition meeting in June, the board members will review the list of volunteers.  New and seasoned financial aid administrators, please volunteer now by clicking the link below.  Thank you for volunteering.





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