
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fall Board Meeting - November 2-4, 2014

Dear SASFAA Members & Friends:

Hope this finds each of you doing well and getting ready to celebrate the weekend.

Your SASFAA 2014-15 Executive Board will be meeting November 2-4th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  As you will see below, we have a FULL AGENDA to review/discuss/and act upon. 

I appreciate the opportunity that has been given to me to serve as your servant leader of this great association, and I feel that members should know what your elected officers will be doing to ensure that SASFAA remains strong and continues to address the concerns of our valued members, each one of you!

Sunday, November 2nd:
2:00 PM                                Budget & Finance Committee Meeting/GAP Committee Meeting/Conference Chair/ Membership Chair/Legislative Relations chair

4:30 PM                                State Presidents Meeting/4-6 PM Facilitator: Sarah Dowd                                                     
6:30 PM                                Dinner together for those who have arrived

Monday, November 3rd:
9:00 AM                                Call to Order, Welcome & Introduction of Guests       Nathan Basford
                                                Announcement of Substitute Voting
                                                Establish a Quorum
Welcome to Florida                                                                                                            Stephanie Watson

Action Items:
Recommendation: Parliamentarian change
Creating Treasurer-Elect position
Presentation of Slate of Officers/ President-elect, Vice President, Treasurer        Zita Barree
Presentation of SASFAA nominee’s for SASFAA Awards                                           Zita Barree

New Aid Officer Workshop 2015                                                                                     Marian Dill
Approval of Location
Approval of Instructors
Approval of Instructors contract

SASFAA Membership Classifications                                                                             Nancy Garmroth
NASFAA Investments                                                                                                          Zita Barree
NASFAA Recommendations on board tenure                                                                Nathan Basford/ All board members
Discussion on Vice President Term: Becoming Two Year Term                                 Nathan Basford/All board members
Recommendations for NASFAA Awards                                                                         Nathan Basford/all board members

I will provide an update after our meeting.  Enjoy your weekend.

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