
Thursday, December 13, 2012

SASFAA Exhibitor/Sponsorship Options for 2012-2013

Submitted by R.  Dewey Knight, Sponsorship Chair

SASFAA is pleased to offer the opportunity for our corporate partners and friends to support our training efforts as financial aid professionals. We continue to offer individual training activities to sponsor, advertise and exhibit.  We have also produced some discounted packages that will allow sponsors to take advantage of some very significant cost savings.  Additionally, for first-time sponsors, an additional 25% discount is provided.

Please review the various sponsorship opportunities at:  SASFAA Exhibitor/Sponsorship Oportunities

Our 50th Annual Conference in Atlanta (February 10-13, 2013) will be attended by over 500 financial aid professionals and we hope you will be a part of the celebration of 50 years of service to students and their families!

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