
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Florida Report

 A FASFAA Update!   
Dear Members & Friends:

I am very excited to have the honor and opportunity to serve a third term as FASFAA’s president.  An association that is alive with enthusiastic members, current and past leaders that help remind all of us why we are here and why FASFAA was created. 

We have been very busy this year making sure that we provide our members and non-members valuable training opportunities.  We have scheduled the following regional workshops:

·        Region I:  October 12th Panama City, FL.
·        Region II: October 12th Gainesville, FL.
·        Region III: November 2nd Sanford, FL.
·        Region IV: November 9th Tampa, FL.
·        Region V:  October 12th  Miami, FL

Along with our regional workshops we are also offering the following training opportunities:
·        FASFAA NAOW (New Aid Officer Workshop) October 24-26th.
·        FASFAA Clock Hour Workshop TPD January 2013.

In order to be fiscal responsible, the two workshops above will be linked with our executive board meetings, thus saving cost to the association on rooms, food, and travel expenses.

Please visit our website at www.fasfaa.org  to check out all the training opportunities that we offer throughout the year, and also check out the training opportunities that our resource partners also offer. 

I encourage each state association as well as SASFAA to promote all their resource partners training opportunities.

The theme for FASFAA this year is:  Moving Forward with Change!

We as financial aid professionals in Florida and each state exist to help address the interests and needs of students and parents in achieving their educational dreams.  In existing we must continue to Move Forward with Change! 

We as an association represent institutions of all sizes and types from proprietary schools to large universities.  Our membership includes representatives from our lender partners, software providers, servicing agencies, and others.

We all strive to ensure that at the end of the day we have made a difference!

We will be seeking nominations for recipients for our FASFAA awards in January as well as for our elections that will be held in March.  I will provide more updated information as nominations are received and reviewed. 

Our annual conference will be held May 21-24th in Bonita Springs.  Our conference chair, Kim Phillips and her committee have been busy getting things moving.  The theme of the conference is:  Moving Foward...Change Will  Do You Good!

One of our main goals this year is to be sure that we get the opportunity to encourage financial aid professionals within the state to get involved in FASFAA.

To continue our great mission for Florida and all state associations we need volunteers!  The life blood of any association is its volunteers!  I encourage each of you to get involved!  Volunteer!

I look forward to a very productive and successful year.

Nathan Basford
12-13 FASFAA President

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