
Monday, April 9, 2012


AASFAA held its 2011 Fall Training Workshop on October 14, 2011 on the beautiful campus of Auburn University-Montgomery.  Michael Roberts, U.S. Department of Education Title IV Training Officer joined us for our fall training.  This one-day training featured a federal update on hot topics that included Gainful Employment, SAP and 2012-2013 Verification.  Mr. Roberts fielded questions from the AASFAA members during our “Ask a Fed Session”, that included taking questions back to verify the correct answers.  He contacted Vickie Adams with the responses from these questions that were to be provided to the members. 

Ms. Sharon Williams, President-Elect took time to pass out volunteer forms to our members and discussed the importance of serving on committees and getting plugged in to our great association.  We also included, in the training workbook, a list of the 2011-2012 Executive Board and Committee Chairs along with the committee name and email address of each.  We felt this would be helpful information for any new member if they had questions about a committee.  A very special “thank you” goes out to Phillip Nelson for serving as the 2011-2012 Fall Local Arrangements Chair and Anthony Richey for hosting the workshop at AUM. 

Alabama again hosted numerous College Goal Sunday locations during the month of February.  This was a great opportunity to bring together financial aid professionals that were more than willing to assist parents and students with the FAFSA process.   AASFAA’s own Stephanie Miller and Fred Carter were the coordinators for the State of Alabama for the 2011-2012 year.

The 2012 AASFAA Spring Conference will be held at Lake Guntersville State Park again.  The management has agreed to keep the same low room rate that we have had for the last two years.  Working with the staff at the Lodge has proved to be a very relaxing experience for our Local Arrangements Chair, making sure we had everything we needed to make the conference an exciting experience. 

Vickie Adams-President

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