
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You can win a FREE NASFAA Conference Registration!

You can win a FREE NASFAA Conference Registration in Chicago! 

What do you have to do?  Complete the NASFAA Staffing Model Survey by next Monday.  “We will be randomly selecting three school participants for free NASFAA conference registrations in Chicago,” said NASFAA President Justin Draeger.

NASFAA needs your help to create an accurate Staffing Model that will help financial aid offices assess how their institution's staffing levels compared to aid offices across the nation. A minimum response rate of 25 percent is needed to ensure the staffing model will be accurate. The response rate is currently 19 percent. That means NASFAA needs 150 more schools to complete the survey by Jan. 6.

This valuable online tool on the NASFAA website allows you to compare your staff size against a national representation of financial aid offices and their staff sizes.  In times where we are all being asked to do more with less, this staffing model can be a valuable point of reference.

According to the NASFAA staff, each financial aid director received a special email invitation with a survey link to complete the survey to Staffing Model.  However, if you lost that link, please contact Dr. Gigi Jones, Research Director (jonesg@nasfaa.org or 202-785-6943), directly. 

If you’d like to review a copy of the survey, log in the NASFAA website and click on this link:  http://www.nasfaa.org/products/temp/2011_Staffing_Survey.aspx.  You can disregard the December 22, 2011 response date when you go to the survey.


Brad Barnett
SASFAA President

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