
Friday, October 28, 2011

SASFAA Is Looking For Members Willing to Serve

Dear SASFAA Friends,
Albert Schweitzer said:
“I don’t know what your destiny will be but the one thing I do know is that the only ones among you who will be truly happy will be those who sought and found how to serve.”
Nominations and Elections Committee is still looking for people to serve!
This year we are looking for President-Elect, Secretary and Vice President.
If you nominate someone, please be sure to have that person’s permission and they will need to be prepared to provide a biographical statement to the Nominations and Election Committee. We will present a slate of candidates to the Board for approval in November. 
Please send your nominations to anyone on the committee.
Committee members are:
Sandy Neel, Chair – sneel@bellarmine.edu
Andy Weaver (Alabama) weaver@uah.edu
Rebecca Lydick (Florida) rlydick@keiseruniversity.edu
Doug Tanner (Georgia) dtanner@valdosta.edu
Dave Cecil (Kentucky) dcecil@transy.edu
Donna O’Quinn (Mississippi) doquinn@prcc.edu
Paul Coscia (North Carolina) pcoscia@guilford.edu
Jeff Holiday (South Carolina) jsholli@presby.edu
Sandra Rockett (Tennessee) rockett@dscc.edu
Heather Hollandsworth (Virginia) hhollandsworth@ferrum.edu

Thank you for taking the time to help grow SASFAA!

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