
Monday, November 13, 2017

EM Forum, Gold Star Award, Giving Thanks

Professional Advancement Committee

The first SASFAA Enrollment Management Forum was recently held in Orlando, FL.  The Forum covered a wide array of topics, from the history of Enrollment Management (EM), to the strengths and weaknesses of Financial Aid Administrators in EM roles, to the research foundation of EM, to the process of writing a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.  Both attendees and presenters represented a mosaic of the SASFAA membership, with 4 Year Public, Private, Community College and Graduate schools all represented.  This diversity of representation allowed for an incredible amount of information sharing and growth.    

Special thanks to our presenters, who were unanimously deemed “extremely knowledgeable” by the attendees:

Dr. Forrest Stuart, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Director of Financial Aid at Furman University in Greenville, SC
Mr. Chuck Knepfle, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at Clemson University in Clemson, SC
Mr. Daniel Barkowitz, Assistant Vice President for Financial Aid and Veteran’s Affairs at Valencia College – West Campus in Orlando, FL

The Enrollment Management Forum was a new venture for SASFAA.  Thank you to President Oliver for the opportunity to try something new and to the fabulous attendees who made the Forum so interactive.  I am happy to report that all of the attendees indicated that the information learned in the Forum will not only assist them in their current position, but will also help further their career goals. 

Celena Tulloss, Vice President

SASFAA Professional Advancement Committee

NASFAA Gold Star Award - Update

Global Issues
Joan Bailey - Global Issues Chair 2017-18