
Monday, August 18, 2014

Update from the Board

Dear Members and Friends:

It's hard to believe the summer is almost over and we are gearing up for another exciting school year.

I hope each of you have had time to spend the summer visiting family and friends and taking time to relax and enjoy the blessings we all have been given.

Your 2014-15 Executive Board held our first meeting in August in Memphis, TN--the site of our 2015 Annual Conference.  Below are highlights from the meeting:

·         Ensure that SASFAA remains fiscally sound.
·         Approved Operating Budget for 2014-15 $409,725.00
·         Approved sites for the 2015 & 2016 Transition Meetings: (Trade Winds/St. Pete, FL)
·         All Committee Members were approved! (Thank you for volunteering!)
·         Approved Training Opportunities:  (Information is forthcoming from your Vice President, Marian Dill.)
·         Immediate Past President, Zita Barree, will be seeking nominations for Treasurer, Vice President, and President. (Get involved!  Contact your current state President.)
·         Seeking Nominations for our SASFAA Awards
·         Communications & Outreach: Jody Darby, chair of the committee, encourages all members to send updates from their state they want to share so that he can send out via the SASFAA Nine News!
·         Long Range Planning: Sandy Neel, chair of committee, will be reviewing and creating a blueprint that is filled with specific strategies and tactics designed to meet stated objectives of SASFAA.  She and her committee will work to ensure a bright horizon for the next five years.

As you can see, we are off to a great start!  We are here to serve you!   

The Executive Board will be meeting again in November, so if you have any concerns or suggestions that you would like for us to address, please contact me at nbasford@admin.fsu.edu.

As we head into a very busy season, I wish each of you the very best.  Keeping our theme for the year in our minds will hopefully help each of us to get through the busy months ahead.

Uncovering Our Purpose, Power, and Passion

Take care,
