
Monday, September 30, 2013

Monitor Cohort Default Rates Year Round
Inceptia’s Free Cohort Default Rate Reporting Tool Provides Real-Time Data

As financial aid administrators process the impact of their newly released 2- and 3-year cohort default rates from the U.S. Department of Education, Inceptia is making its proprietary Cohort Activity Report freely available to any school that wants to monitor their default rate.

Administrators can use this report to receive updated data on open cohort default years and monitor borrowers so that they can actively help student borrowers while lowering their default rate.

“The Cohort Activity Report gives schools the power to see what’s happening right now with their borrowers,” said Dave Macoubrie, Inceptia vice president of repayment solutions. “By proactively addressing the cohort of student defaulters, they can take steps to remove them from the list and make a positive impact on the trajectory of their school’s cohort default rate helping to save those student borrowers from default.”

Sign up for the Cohort Activity Report by visiting Inceptia.org/CDR-tracking.

Once registered, upload your School Portfolio report to the Cohort Activity Report system. The data from the School Portfolio report will be analyzed and organized into a simplified report for you to gain updated insights in real time.

This report can be used to monitor:

·         number of borrowers in repayment

·         number of borrowers in default

·         impact one default borrower has on their rate

·         number of rescued borrowers needed to reduce the rate by one percent

·         open and closed cohort year comparison data

You may also download a list of loan details on each defaulted borrower.

With cohort default rates on the rise, schools need to proactively monitor cohort default rates year round in order to gain the knowledge required to lower their rate and help student borrowers. The details in this report can help you closely monitor default borrowers so that you can proactively work to correct defaulted loans prior to closing years.

“We want to show every school the impact they can have on their rate, simply by lowering it by even one percentage point,” Macoubrie said. “For some institutions, that may be as few as five borrowers. But lowering the rate over time can have a significant impact on a school and is good for student borrowers.”

Inceptia’s goal is to help students borrow wisely, resolve their delinquency issues and guide them to successfully repay their student loan obligations; while also helping schools reduce their cohort default rates. Find out more about Inceptia’s default prevention services by contacting Inceptia at 888.529.2028. 
Sample Graph

Inceptia, a division of National Student Loan Program (NSLP), is a non-profit organization providing premier expertise in default prevention and financial education. Since 1986, we have helped more than two million students achieve their higher education dreams at 5,500 schools nationwide. Annually, Inceptia assists more than 150,000 delinquent borrowers in repaying their student loans. By using practical tools of cohort analysis, financial education and repayment outreach, Inceptia educates students on responsible personal finances and loan repayment counseling and provides default prevention strategies and services to schools. More information at Inceptia.org.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

FedLoan Servicing’s At-Risk Delinquency Resolution Contest

Beginning in May 2013, FedLoan Servicing held an At-Risk Delinquency Resolution Contest for schools.  Participating schools were provided with a listing of delinquent borrowers, serviced by FedLoan Servicing, who would impact their 2011 or 2012 Cohort Default Rate, if their delinquency was not resolved.  The contest ended on August 28, 2013.  Here are some highlights:

·        350 Schools Participated (55 schools from SASFAA region)
·        7,356 Cured Delinquencies (1623 from schools in SASFAA region)

Congratulations to all participating schools in the winning region – WASFAA! Schools within the Western region cured 31% of their loan delinquencies.
FedLoan Servicing extends a special thank you to all participating schools for the assistance provided to your alumni! Winning schools were provided a customized poster, congratulatory letter, and the option to participate in our FedLoan Servicing FiveStar Training webinar on default prevention or a spotlight in an upcoming FedLoan Servicing Quarterly Bulletin.

Congratulations to the winners!!!!
Winning School
% of cures
< 50 borrowers
Bryan College (CA)
Plaza College (NY)
51 – 250 borrowers
Howard Community College (MD)
> 250 borrowers
Herzing University (WI)
< 50 borrowers
City College of Chicago (IL)
51 – 250 borrowers
Howard Community College (MD)
> 250 borrowers
University of North Texas (TX)
< 50 borrowers
Resurrection University (IL)
Sharon Regional Health System (PA)
51 – 250 borrowers
Robert Morris University (IL)
> 250 borrowers
Remington College (TX)
< 50 borrowers
Bryan College (CA)
Plaza College (NY)
51 – 250 borrowers
Vista College (TX)
> 250 borrowers
Herzing University (WI)
< 50 borrowers
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (MO)
Eastern Virginia Medical School (VA)


Passing of a Colleague

The following message was sent out Monday afternoon on both the TASFAA (Tennessee) and SASFAA listservs and was also posted to SASFAA’s Facebook page:

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the loss of one of our colleagues.  Clyde Walker, a long time TAFSAA member and friend to many, passed away suddenly today, September 23, 2013.  Please keep his wife, Joanie, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.  We will provide details of the arrangements as soon as they are available. 

If you wish to send a card their address is 121 Pebble View Drive, Franklin, TN  37064.

Jeff Gerkin
TASFAA President

Today, the following message has also been sent:

A Memorial Service for Clyde Walker will be held at 5PM, Saturday, September 28th at Gateway Community Church, 584 Franklin Rd. Franklin, TN 37069.  A reception will follow at the church.

Please continue to keep Joanie and the rest of the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Jeff Gerkin
TASFAA President

On behalf of the SASFAA Board, we send our deepest condolences to Clyde’s wife, Joanie, a long-time SASFAA friend and colleague and to all their family and friends.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers during these difficult times.  Clyde served on the SASFAA Board previously and was always known for his great smile, big hugs, his love for his family and friends and for the gentleman he always was.  Prayers are also sent to his Vanderbilt and TASFAA friends and colleagues. 

Zita Barree
SASFAA President

Friday, September 13, 2013

August SASFAA Board Meeting Review

The SASFAA Executive Board met August 3rd – 4th for our first official Board meeting of the 2013-14 year in Jacksonville, FL, site of our 2014 Annual Conference.  If I had to sum up our weekend in a quote, it would be “None of us is as smart as all of us” by Ken Blanchard.  The Board had a few challenges to face but we did so by working together as a team and by appreciating and considering all input provided.    

The following is a summary of some of the highlights from the meeting.  This is not an all-inclusive list of everything that was discussed.  You will be notified when the minutes from our meeting are posted to the SASFAA website and they will contain all the details about our discussions as well as all actions taken by the Board. 

·         Based on a recommendation from the Nominations and Elections committee, the Board approved deleting the sentence “The electronic voting site shall be staffed continuously by members or designees of the nominations and elections committee during the posted times.” from section 6.13.3 of the current SASFAA Policy and Procedure Manual (see page 34 online at http://www.sasfaa.org/Resources/Documents/Governing%20Documents/Policies%20and%20Procedures/SASFAA%20PP%20-%20090313.pdf ).  The committee was charged this year with evaluating the most recent elections process and determining if it would continue going forward in the same fashion.  The process that was used for the 2013 election was voted on by a prior Board as a one-time trial.  This will mean the elections process will go back to how it was executed the year before last with voting being opened 10 calendar days prior to the initial business meeting at the annual conference and will close at 3 pm on the last full day of the conference.  The Nominations and Elections chair will report the results of the election at a business session at the conference following the completion of voting.

·         The Board reviewed reports from the various SASFAA committees regarding their work so far and plans for the near future.  Our organizational chart for 2013-14 can be found at:  http://www.sasfaa.org/Resources/Documents/Governing%20Documents/SASFAA%202013-14%20Organization%20Chart.pdf.  In addition to the customary ad-hoc committees, I added an additional one this year called Technology Assessment and Integration which will be reviewing all of our communications as well as our website and making recommendations to the Board throughout the year about how we can more effectively keep in touch with our members. 

·         The Board approved a budget for the 2013-14 year which includes a $25 increase to the annual conference registration fee (from $250 to $275) due to increased hotel/food expenses but also allowed for $31,500 to be transferred from assets to the current year budget to help offset part of those additional expenses.  SASFAA uses a zero-based budgeting model which means our expenses in any given year cannot exceed our projected revenues.  That being said, the Board recognized that SASFAA has now made up for the money lost during the financially challenging years and that our reserves more than meet the requirements set forth by our P & P Manual.  Therefore, it felt very strongly that part of the revenues that have been collected above expenses in the prior year should be used to benefit our members this year.  Additionally, a Leadership Workshop or Management Institute is being discussed for this year which would also be partially subsidized by SASFAA. 

·         The Board approved a location for our November Board meeting – the Embassy Suites near Brier Creek in Raleigh-Durham and a location for the 2014 Board Transition meeting to be held June 8 – 11 at the Tradewinds Resort in St. Pete Beach, FL.

·         Eight of the 9 SASFAA states provided a report to the board of what is happening in their states and with their associations.  The state presidents will also be working on a joint project this year to help better prepare state presidents-elect for their year as state presidents on the SASFAA Board by evaluating the state presidents-elect workshop coordinated by the SASFAA President-Elect at the annual conference and the Board transition meeting agenda to see if there are any opportunities for enhancements.  They will also be producing a handout to be shared with incoming state presidents-elect to inform them in advance of their SASFAA responsibilities. 

·         The Board also approved committee members for the 2013-14 year as well as goals that I added to those that had already been recommended by last year’s Governance and Strategic Planning (GAP) committee.

The Conference Committee met during the same timeframe as the Board and ended their meeting on Monday, August 5th.  Amy Berrier has posted a SASFAA Nine News article dated September 10th outlining all of the tentative plans for the 2014 annual conference and we anticipate that the conference registration process will open sometime in October.  Our theme this year is “Hitting our Stride by Celebrating our Strengths.”  We hope you will be able to join us in Jacksonville, FL February 16 – 19, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront for what I know will be a fantastic conference!

If you are not already receiving e-mail notifications from SASFAA Nine News, you can subscribe by going to www.sasfaa.org and clicking on the SASFAA Nine News box on the right hand side of the page.  Then enter your e-mail address in the box in the upper right hand side labeled “Receive Updates by Email” and submit.  Additionally if you belong to Facebook and have not liked our page yet, please search for us at Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SASFAA) – we update our status frequently and also post photos of many SASFAA, NASFAA and state association events. 

One of the quotes I use often is from T.S. Eliot:  “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”  The SASFAA Board is here to serve you so please let us know how we may help you and SASFAA find out how far we all can go!

Zita Barree
SASFAA President

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SASFAA 2013-2014 Conference Updates

I hope everyone had a great start to the fall 2013 semester!  The 2013-2014 SASFAA Executive Board and Conference Committee met recently August 2-5 in Jacksonville, Florida to start planning for the upcoming SASFAA 2014 Conference.  I wanted to provide you with some information to help you in your planning for the conference including a list of tentative session topics, the conference rate, and the hotel rate.  Conference registration and hotel reservations are not open yet.  We will provide you with an update as to when this will be available.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Happy 51st Anniversary SASFAA!

Amy Berrier
2014 SASFAA Conference Chair
(336) 334-3372

2013-2014 Conference Committee:
Alabama – Sharon Williams
Florida – Diane Reitz
Georgia – Pennie Strong
Kentucky – Heather Boutell
Mississippi – Cindy May
North Carolina – Christy Chesnut
South Carolina – Ken Cole
Tennessee – Aaron White
Virginia – Brenda Burke
Local Arrangements Chair – Kristi Jones
Electronic Services Chair (Ex-Officio) – Angie Black
Global Issues Chair (Ex-Officio) – Michael O’Grady
Vendor/Sponsor Chair (Ex-Officio) – Brett Barefoot
President (Ex-Officio) – Zita Barree
Treasurer (Ex-Officio) – Amy Moser

 Notes about the Conference:

1)      Conference registration fee will be $275.00
2)      Hotel room rate is $159 a night plus applicable state and local taxes (currently at 14.13%).  The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront in Florida.  The hotel room block will be open at a later date and a hotel reservation link will be posted on the website.  More information will be made available soon!
3)      Complimentary in-room internet will be available for all hotel guests
4)      Self-parking is available at $10 a day, Valet at $20 a day
5)      The opening session will begin on Sunday, February 16th at 4:00 p.m.
6)      More information about possible pre-conference workshops will be made available at a later date
7)      Vendor/Sponsor information will be made available by Brett Barefoot, Vendor/Sponsor Chair
8)      The Conference Charity will be the WHAS Crusade for Children – http://crusadeforchildren.org.  A prior Executive Board voted to assign different states to each conference for the next upcoming years.  Since we are no longer rotating around currently to all 9 states, the prior board wanted to give each state an opportunity to have a charity represented.  More information will be forthcoming from the Conference Committee about the charity and how you can participate!
9)      Patrick House, Season 10 winner of the Biggest Loser, will be our keynote speaker.
10)   Justin Draeger (NASFAA President), Amanda Sharp (NASFAA Trainer and former SASFAA member), and Craig Munier (NASFAA Chair) will be joining us for part of the conference
11)   The Conference Committee has communicated with the Department of Education about their representation at the conference in Jacksonville.  We will provide more information at a later date.

Tentative Agenda:

Sunday - 2/16/14
8 - 9 am
Executive Board & Conference
8 - 11 am
Vendor Set-Up
8 - 3:45 pm
9 am - 12 noon
Executive Board Meeting
Executive Board 
11 am - 3:30 pm
Vendor Area Open
12 - 1 pm
9 am - 3 pm
President Elects Workshop
9 am - 3 pm
Pre-Conference Workshop
4 - 5:30 pm
Opening Session
5:30 - 7 pm
President's Reception
 Monday - 2/17/14
7/7:30 - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 12:15 pm
Vendor Area Open
8:30 - 9:30 am
General Session (Washington Update)
9:30 - 9:45 am
Transition Break
9:45 - 11:00 am
Concurrent Session Block #1
11:00 - 11:15 am
Transition Break
11:15 - 12:15 pm
State Meetings
12:30 - 2:00 pm
2:00 - 5:00 pm
Vendor Area Open
2:15 - 3:30 pm
Concurrent Session Block #2
3:30 - 3:45 pm
Transition Break
3:45 - 5:00 pm
Concurrent Session Block #3
8 - 11 pm
 Tuesday - 2/18/14
7/7:30 - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Vendor Area Open
8:30 - 9:30 am
General Sessions 1 & 2 & 3
9:30 - 9:45 am
Transition Break
9:45 - 11:00 am
Concurrent Session Block #1
11:00 - 11:15 am
Transition Break
11:15 - 12:30 pm
Concurrent Session Block #2
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Lunch on your own
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Past Presidents Luncheon
Past Presidents, President Barree,
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Concurrent Session Block #3
3:45 - 4:00 pm
Transition Break
4:00 - until
Vendor Breakdown
4:00 - 5:15 pm
Concurrent Session Block #4
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Happy Hour
7:00 - 8:30 pm
8:30 - 12:00 am
Evening Event
 Wednesday - 2/19/14
8 - 9 am
9 - 11 am
Federal Update / Closing Session
Transition Lunch
1314 & 1415 Conference
Tentative Session Topics at SASFAA 2014:
Veteran’s Nuts and Bolts
Veterans Special Issues
Ask a Fed
Professional Judgment
EFC Hand Calculation
2014-2015 Verification
Reimagining Aid Design and Delivery
Athletic Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress
150% Rule
R2T4 Modules
Graduate/Professional Hot Topics
Access and Affordability
Audit/Compliance Issues
Unusual Enrollment History/SAP
Enrollment Management
At Risk Students
How to Stay Healthy In Financial Aid
Selective Service Issues
Becoming a Financial Aid Administrator
Global Issues/Diversity
Nuts and Bolts on Access and Retention
Financial Literacy
Repayment Plans
Exit Counseling and Default Prevention
Counseling Families on Education Financing
Customer Service
Director Round Table
How to be a Financial Aid Director
Fraud/Abuse Tips
Consumer Information and Disclosures
Gainful Employment
Financial Stress and Wellness
CDR/Default Management
How to Talk to People not in Financial Aid
Safety and Security
New Aid Officer Update
Work Study

If you are a member of Facebook and have not liked our page yet, please do so to keep up with current events and conference updates – Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SASFAA)!