
Friday, August 30, 2019

August! and Guiding the Future


As I tell my staff, this is the most wonderful time of the year!  I know we are all very busy and I want to wish you a smooth start to the year.  Stay strong, and remember, what we are doing is making dreams come true!

I have one quick update I need to share with you.  As are result of obligations on her job, Sandy Neel has had to step off the Board.  Sandy was working on the LRP and governance issues.  While we hate to lose Sandy, our first responsibility is to the organization that signs our checks.  Sandy is on this email and I want to take this opportunity to thank her for her work and support of SASFAA, and for me personally.  She will be missed.

Stepping in to work on LRP and governance is another outstanding member of SASFAA – Keith Reeves.   Keith is good friend and will work hard to carry this project forward. Keith, I personally thank you for your willingness to step up and take over this task.  Keith and I served on the last long range plan and I know he is going to do an outstanding job for SASFAA.

Keep an eye on the Legal Issues Workshop.  It is really coming together.  You will want to attend and encourage others to do the same.  I am looking forward to this event.

This week, call a colleague who is not a member of SASFAA and encourage them to join.  Wayne Kruger tells me we are off to a good start with membership, but we want to see SASFAA grow.  Working together we can make that happen.

Thank you for all you do for students and SASFAA.  With all of us working together it is going to be a great year!

Bill Spiers
SASFAA President 2019-2020

Developing a President’s Guide Book

It is a distinct honor and a privilege to serve as the leader of an association as esteemed as SASFAA.  The regional association provides training, leadership development, legislative updates, and much, much more to over 1,200 financial aid professionals.  Grooming and preparing for key SASFAA leadership roles such as President requires effective planning.  If you are contemplating running for President-Elect, the President’s Guide Book will be a useful tool.  A taskforce of SASFAA Past Presidents will lead the charge of developing a comprehensive guide book.   The guide book will feature step-by-step tasks, key dates, and activities for the President-Elect, President, and Past-President.

The volunteer work performed by members at the state and regional levels, community, and other organizations coupled with the President’s Guide Book will equip future leaders with the tools needed to excel.   The task force members have a wealth of experience and knowledge that will be used to produce a useful instructional guide for future leaders.  The President’s Guide Book will ensure that all key duties and responsibilities are performed smoothly to transition throughout the President’s tenure.   It is a great professional privilege to be recognized and elected by peers to serve in a leadership capacity as President of SASFAA.  The guidebook will lay the foundation of success for SASFAA future leaders.

President’s Guide Book Taskforce Members
Brad Barnett
Zita Barree
Nathan Basford
Amy Berrier
Ron Day
David Gelinas
Guy Gibbs
Susan Little
Lisanne Masterson
Sandy Neel
Janet Nowicki
Sharon Oliver, Chairperson
Keith Reeves

Sharon Oliver
SASFAA Task Force Chair 2019-20

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