
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Opportunities and Challenges



Please share the following resources to your Military Connected Students:

Set your Sights on Success Visit Tutor.Com https://military.tutor.com/home

Mentoring Program: American Corporate Partners (ACP) Free Mentoring Program: For Veterans and Spouses https://www.acp-usa.org/mentoring-program/program-overview


Army Emergency Relief Dependent Childrenhttps://www.aerhq.org/Apply-for-Scholarship/Dependent-Children
Army Emergency Relief Spouse Education Assistance Program:

Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA):

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Scholarships:  https://www.vfw.org/assistance/student-veterans-support   

Accenture Student Veterans Scholarship

Pat Tillman Scholar: http://pattillmanfoundation.org/apply-to-be-a-scholar/ Open to veteran and active-duty military members in all branches of service, including the Coast Guard, as well as their spouses

Open to all current and former service members who wish to become teachers in a K-12 setting

Field of Honor Scholarship: https://www.foldsofhonor.org/resources/scholarships/

Wings Over America: https://wingsoveramerica.us/scholarships For children and spouses of all U.S. Navy personnel

SVAs Leadership Institute, sponsored by Prudential, is the premier training for student veterans who are emerging leaders in their chapter, on their campus, and in their community.

Kamesia M. House
2018-19 Global Issues Committee


“If it doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.”

During my year as GASFAA’s President-Elect, I had several Past-Presidents recommend that I use a quote or theme that would help set the stage for the year ahead.  My mentors said a theme would help the Association remain united—ensuring we maintained our laser-beam focus for students. For months, I stressed about what theme or quote would inspire others—fearing I would pass out as I unveiled my grand theme to resounding looks of confusion in the eyes of my GASFAA colleagues.  After racking my brain, looking where I thought I would find inspiration, I still came up with nothing.  Instead, I decided that I would be the rebel and not present a theme or a quote for 2018-2019.  Rather, I would do my best as President—providing guidance and leadership while also supporting and uplifting GASFAA’s awesome membership.
At the passing of the gavel during the 2018 annual conference, I shared a quote with attendees. “If it doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.”  In reflecting on this short, simple sentence, I realized how much volunteering, both in GASFAA and in SASFAA, has challenged me—forcing me to step outside of my normal routine and comfort zone. These opportunities have, in positive ways, led to changes in how I approach life, how I complete tasks, how I interact with others, etc. In receiving feedback from fellow board members and members, the quote stirred others’ hearts and minds, too. While simple in syntax and structure, these few words remain prevalent in our board meetings and in our trainings and stand to inspire GASFAA’s membership for the remainder of the 2018-2019 year. 
“If it doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.”  I invite you to take a moment, and think about this quote. To get a subjective view, ask yourself if you have been changed, in a positive way, by something that didn’t also challenge you.  I venture to say that most people aren’t changed if unchallenged.  Often times, we settle for the status quo. Ask ‘why’ more. Look for better answers to questions that you or others may pose. Don’t let challenge defeat your end goal, but let it inspire you to seek, grow, and become more—both for yourself and for others.
As 2018 comes to an end and we begin 2019 with eager aspirations, let us not be afraid of challenges as they inevitably present themselves—big and small.  Rather, with laser beam focus, seek ways to use that challenge to your benefit and growth. If you are new to financial aid or to an affiliated industry, I encourage you to get involved with your state association and with SASFAA.  Challenge yourself to try new things. See what you might learn and experience just by making the decision to become an active member and volunteer.

Wishing you a wonderful 2019!
Amber Singletary
2018-19 GASFAA President

P. S.  For those who made a recent ‘upgrade’ to Banner 9, remember, “if it doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” I’m repeating that to myself every time I try to close the screen from the non-existent ‘X’ in the upper right corner of a window. J

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