Looking In
Let’s Talk About Judging….
Let’s Talk About Judging….
Have you ever personally judged people just by looking at
them? It is something that you may not
try to do intentionally, or may never want to do. It is also something that you won’t do in a
person’s face unless they push you to the limit by invading your personal space. Judging happens across many lines.
In today’s world of social media, we all may notice the
consciousness that organizations take to make us aware of how diverse we are as
people. I take the time after a day of
work to relax. I log onto my Facebook page just to see and read what is posted. I scrolled my feed and happened across a post by CUT that talks about judging. It was very
Do you ever label people?
Would you participate in guessing the sexual orientation of strangers?
Would you participate in guessing the sexual orientation of strangers?
It is interesting to see that the participants were nervous
about their specific choice for each of the strangers that came before
them. In the video, participants asked each
person certain questions to determine a label from a set of cards provided by the video makers. The questions varied, but were about dress, haircut, personality, what they liked, how the person
danced, or just the fact that one had a cell phone clipped to the belt. It is interesting to see how each guessing
participant labeled a person.
At the end of the video, true orientations are revealed and participants see if they
guessed correctly. The participants were surprised that they
guessed some wrong. One
participant states that his friend/co-worker dresses like one of the volunteers, but he did
not want to assume based on clothing. Another
participant states that she stereotyped when making her choices. One states that she has a lot
to learn about different communities.
In our campuses today, we deal with –isms, xenophobia and
cultural differences daily. We all must realize that awareness is important, so that we don’t judge wrong.
Have a great semester everyone!
Lloyd E. Dixon
Global Issues Committee
Looking Out
Service Beyond Our Walls
Greetings SASFAA Family,
AASFAA has been quite busy
the last few months but we have finally made it over the Fall hump. I am
incredibly honored to serve as the 2017-2018 AASFAA president during the
celebration of its 50th anniversary! The theme for our 50th
Anniversary is “The Golden Age of AASFAA”, celebrating 50 years of serving
Alabama’s students. The AASFAA executive committee and its various committee
chairs are excitingly working to provide a memorable and enjoyable conference
for the AASFAA family.
As we prepare for the 50th
Anniversary, I am reminded of the service and commitment that our association
provides to our students beyond our profession and the importance of servant
leadership. We serve our students daily with a dedication to making their lives
better through education. Our positions are linked to service for others. I
want everyone to reflect on how you serve students and promote excellence in
the financial aid office by building a positive culture that encourages
professionalism within the office, integrity among all, and diversity of ideas
and people. If we stay true to the positive work that we are called to do while
promoting an inclusive and respectful environment, we will not lose sight of
the invaluable job we are called to do.
I implore all of you
to reflect on how you serve your students, organizations, and communities.
While reflecting, think of ways that you can improve your service to our
students and our colleagues because we have a great impact on the lives we
encounter far beyond our office walls.
Theresa Mays
2017-18 AASFAA President
Advocacy During SASFAA
Alexandria, VA 2018
One of the great opportunities afforded the SASAFAA
membership during the 2018 conference in Alexandria, VA was the opportunity for
members to visit Capitol Hill and make legislative visits. By being in close proximity to Washington,
D.C. we were able to provide transportation (thanks to President Oliver) to and
from the Capitol, making it easier for people to advocate for student financial
During the conference we had representatives from
Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee make
visits to legislators promoting the importance of student financial aid and
providing information on reauthorization.
To assist with the visits the Legislative Affairs Committee compiled a
white paper on reauthorization issues.
The issues were assembled based on the responses of our SASFAA
membership to the Legislative Affairs Committee Survey. The use of the survey ensured what was
important to you was being communicated during our visits.
Over 16 members participated and visited more than 14
legislators. While it is too soon to
determine if our visits had an impact on legislation, what we do know is
failure to share our thoughts on student aid leaves the student aid programs
vulnerable to changes which could have a negative impact on the students we
serve. By advocating we at a minimum made our view known. After all, we are the experts on student aid
and while we cannot guarantee legislators will listen, we need to make sure our
voices are heard.
Advocacy is simply a form of education. It is a process of providing information on
the student aid programs that will hopefully help legislators see the
consequences, both positive and negative, legislation will have on
students. It is also an opportunity for
legislators to get to know those with whom they are visiting, and hopefully
develop a relationship so they feel
comfortable contacting us in the future with questions about financial aid. On a personal note I can tell you that I did
indeed make one of those contacts while in Washington.
As this year progresses we do not know how
reauthorization will develop. Many think
it will come to a grinding halt as it is now too close to the mid-term
elections. Others feel there is a remote
possibility it will move forward.
Regardless, be prepared to advocate for positive change in the programs
we administer.
We are the experts! Let’s make sure our voices are heard!!
We are the experts! Let’s make sure our voices are heard!!
P.S. Here is the link to the white paper prepared for legislative visits.
Bill Spiers
Legislative Relations Chair
Legislative Relations Chair
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